Welcome to The 06612...Easton's Virtual Info Booth!
The place for the what, where, when, why and how questions...from how to support local businesses to why there is a fire hydrant tax...ask away, we're here to help.
The 06612 Is Launching TODAY!
We're trying to get all the recent submissions in before launching soon :)
Join the mailing list to receive notification when The 06612 goes live!
Want to add your Easton Business, Organization, Club, Sports Team, House of Worship, etc... including businesses owned by an Eastonite but located elsewhere? It's free to list!
(entities not located IN Easton must be owned by an Easton resident & will be identified with a notation on site)
Submit your info...details here.

About The 06612
We are Easton's Virtual Info Booth. Our goal is to get people to the information they need about Easton within 2-3 clicks. Keeping it Easy, Keeping it in Easton!
© 2021 The 06612 - Easton's Virtual Info Booth